Getting started with the HyperSeek user interface.

Step 1
There are three components that can be selected by the buttons along the top of the main window. Make sure that the 'link sources' component is selected.
Note that the keywords component is not needed until V0.9 of HyperSeek.
Step 2
Choose Open from the File menu and open the file 'apple.source'. The contents of the file is displayed in list format.
The contents of the window should be similar to the screen shot below. Each item in the list is editable, and the whole list can be saved under a new name if desired.
Step 3
Choose run from the HyperSeek menu, and wait for the progress bar to finish.
Step 4
Click the output button to view the output. The output can now be saved and viewed in a web browser.

Getting started with the command line version of HyperSeek

HyperSeek can be invoked from the command line. If no command line arguments are used, then the user interface starts up. If any command line arguments are used, then the batch mode verion of HyperSeek runs. MacOS does not support command line mode.

For example,

hyperseek -f 1 -s apple.source -o apple.html

reads the source file 'apple.source', runs HyperSeek filtering out all links older than one day, and saves the result in the file 'apple.html'. Note that the age of links is relative to the first time that HyperSeek reads them, not the date that they were created.

Here is complete list of command line arguments:

-v Turn on verbose mode.

-s filename The name of the source file. No output will be generated without a source file.

-k filename The name of the keywords file. Not implemented until version 0.9 of HyperSeek.

-o filename The name of the output file.

-l integer The maximum number of lines in a returned link. Longer items will be filtered out.

-c integer The maximum number of charachters in a returned link. Longer items will be filtered out.

-f integer The maximum age of a link in days since it was first saved in the database. Deleting 'database.hps' will erase the memory of all old links.

-n Mark new links as "new".

-r Sort by category using keywords. Not implemented until version 0.9 of HyperSeek.

-u Mark links to pages that have changed as "updated". Not implemented until verision 1.0 of HyperSeek.

The options l, c, f, n, r, and u are persistent. They are saved in the file 'preferences.hps' and restored each time HyperSeek is run unless they are explicitly changed on the command line or from the Preferences dialog box of the user interface.